Our strong determination towards developing and implementing Accident Prevention Program and management leadership do make a difference At AMCORP, we believe that the prevention of accidents is both our moral obligation and good business. Our safety efforts are based on our belief that every working person is entitled to a safe and healthy place to work. The responsibility for the health and safety of our employees goes far beyond simple compliance with the federal and state regulatory requirements. We recognize that the protection of our employees, property, the public and the environment are essential to the efficient and successful completion of every construction project we undertake. Safety is more than a priority at our company, here safety is a value.
The Accident Prevention Program and Policies that include formal safety training, inspections, audits and a formalized system of reporting is continuously upgraded through reviews and joint meetings with all the concerned staff. We recognize that accident prevention is a line management responsibility. That responsibility is shared at every level of our organization, from the partners all the way through to our craft work force. We educate our Managers, supervisors and employees to identify and correct unsafe conditions and more importantly unsafe work practices.
Our management administers our accident prevention at project level, with the support of full time HSE manager reporting directly to the head office. We believe know that our accident prevention efforts must have the same value as quality, morale, cost, schedule, and production. Safety is not something we do in addition to the work; we are making it the way we do our work. We recognize that accidents should be unusual events and that most of them are preventable. Our goal continues to be ZERO ACCIDENTS and achieving IIF which is providing incident injury free work environment.